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Events in Jerusalem

Celebrating 10 Years of Adom

at 01.09.2011

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Thursday sep 1st

Landmark restaurant Adom celebrates its 10th birthday this September with a special taster menu priced at just 120 NIS. Named after the traditional Jewish blessing that birthday celebrants ought to continue living to a ripe old age, Adom's birthday menu has been dubbed "Until 120."


The fixed-price meal includes an appetizer, a main course and a dessert. First courses include goat cheese ravioli in caper tomato sauce, beet carpaccio with walnuts and cheddar, and roasted eggplant with tehini and vinaigrette dressing. Mains include roasted livers in berry sauce, lemon-glazed lamb chops and filet mignon topped with creamy pepper sauce. The desserts change daily.


The special Until 120 birthday menu is on offer throughout September 2011, every day of the week aside from Fridays.

Open Hours

Sunday to Friday, 18:30 to 3:00; Saturday 13:00 to 3:00


Jaffa Rd. 31, Feingold Courtyard


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