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Events in Jerusalem

Sushi Rechavia Fourth Birthday Specials

at 25.09.2011

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Sunday sep 25th

Sushi Rechavia celebrates its fourth birthday with a great lineup of special deals.

*4 ROLLS: four rolls of your choice: 99 NIS
*4 START: four starters of your choice for 99 NIS
*DRINK 4U: four glasses of Tabor wine or four 1/3 liter mugs of beer for 66 NIS
*SUSHI AND WINE: Roll and a glass of Tabor wine: 44 NIS
*DEAL SUSHI 4: starter, roll, dessert, and glass of Tabor wine: 88 NIS

Specials valid for sit-down orders only.

Open Hours

Azza St. Branch - Azza St. 29, Hours of Operation: Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 24:00; Friday, 12:00 to 16:00; Saturday from one hour after Shabbat to 24:00; Telephone: 02-5667477


Palmach St. Branch - Palmach St. 51, Hours of Operation: Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 23:00; closed Friday and Saturday; Telephone: 02-5671791


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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