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Events in Jerusalem

Kurdish Festival at Lara

at 21.03.2011

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Monday mar 21st

Lara presents a Kurdish festival: When Gourmet Meets Tradition - from March 21-April 18, 2011, chef Lior Cheftzadi and the Lara staff will be serving up authentic, homestyle Kurdish dishes with a personal twist.

Menu specials include:

Kubeh Nablusia over eggplant and white techina: 45 NIS
Kubeh and beet soup: 44 NIS
Filled pastries selection (fillings include onions, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, and carrots): 42 NIS
Tomato and okra stew: with rice stuffed innards: 68 NIS
Kubeh hamusta (sour green kubeh): 45 NIS

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 18:00 to 24:00


Ben Shetach St. 3


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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