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Events in Jerusalem

Gourmet Week at Agua

at 06.03.2011

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Sunday mar 6th

Agua joins restaurants around the country in celebrating "gourmet week": a week long culinary celebration in which restaurants will offer special menus including a first course, main course, and dessert, all for the attractively low base price of 79 NIS.

Agua's Gourmet Week Menu:

First course:

Carpaccio flowers - sirloin strips rolled in herb leaves, parmesan cheese, wasabi and crème fresh
Roasted eggplant
- Grilled eggplant with white techina and slow cooked chickpeas
Tomato salad - multi colored cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, and green jalapeño pepper in olive oil and lemon
White fish ceviche (10 NIS extra charge) - in olive oil, sesame oil, and lemon
Tiger shrimps: pan seared tiger shrimp with garlic, butter, and herbs
Calamari a la plancha: Calamari a la plancha over white techina and green fava beans with lemon and herbs

Main dishes:

Spring chicken in Iraqi honey: cuts of spring chicken grilled with silan and herbs
Home made fettuccini: Fettuccini alfredo with sun dried tomatoes
Lamb kabob: House kabob roasted over salad and Jerusalem herbs
Agua salad (vegetarian): Variety of greens, pear, green beans, gamba, red onion and blue cheese in olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Salmon fillet: (10 NIS extra charge): Baked salmon fillet in sun dried tomato aioli.
Sea food stew: shrimp, calamari, and black sea mole in butter crème and herb sauce.
Chef's special: 400 g entrecote grilled with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Sides: green salad / steamed vegetables / French fries / basmati and wild rice

Dessert: ask the waiter

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 9:00 until last customer; Friday, 8:00 until last customer


HaMaayan St. 1


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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