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Events in Jerusalem

Seder Night Meal at Angelica

at 18.04.2011

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Monday apr 18th

This year, Angelica opens its doors on the first night of Passover, seder night, with a special festive meal, featuring a wide variety of tasty kosher for Passover options.


First course: Sashimi with grilled tomatoes and pickled lemons | Vegetarian option: stuffed eggplant.

Choice of salads: Baby greens with honey vinaigrette | Beet salad with cilantro and pomegranate nectar | Carrot salad with North African spices | Swiss chard with garlic and arisa confit | Potato salad with garden peas

Choice of soups: Clear soup with shitaki mushrooms and lemon grass | Vegetable soup

Main dishes
: Lamb stew with green almonds and celery | Slow roasted entrecote with rosemary and garlic confit | Spring chicken filled with mushrooms and white wine | Vegetarian: Eggplant stew

Choice of sides: Roasted root vegetables | Sweet potatoes au gratin | Potato confit

Choice of desserts

Beverages: soft drinks and Yogev/Binyamina wine at no extra charge, including refills, throughout the course of the meal.

Open Hours

Lunch: Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 17:00 | Dinner: Sunday to Thursday, 17:00 - 23:00


Shatz St. 7


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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