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Events in Jerusalem

Valentine's Day 2011 at Scala

at 14.02.2011

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Monday feb 14th

Scala, under the direction of chef Oren Yerushalmi, presents a special Valentine's day menu, including a free cocktail and a chocolate strawberry treat for customers who order a full meal.

First courses:

Green salad with roasted peppers, avocado, arugula, Spanish onion, baked bread sticks and walnuts in a lime and olive oil dressing - 52 NIS

Sirloin Carpaccio with grilled tomatoes and roasted pepper, mustard crostini in a basil oil and tomato dressing - 72 NIS

Duck liver with crème of potatoes, granny smith apple cubes and thyme, in lamb gravy and date sauce - 92 NIS


Potato gnocchi with wild mushrooms, garden peas and chestnuts in a vegetable, white wine and porcini gravy - 92 NIS

Baked fillet of Denise with crème of white beans, potato gnocchi, chestnuts, Jordan mushrooms and vegetable gravy - 132 NIS

300 g entrecote steak with crème of potato, green beans, shallots and steak gravy - 152 NIS


Dark chocolate filled pastry with passion fruit sorbet, chocolate whipped cream and warm brandy - 40 NIS

Chef's sorbet: assortment of seasonal fruit sorbets - 40 NIS

Advance reservations recommended; call 02-621-2030 or 054-334-6064

Open Hours

Restaurant open Sunday through Thursday, 19:00 to 23:00; Bar open Sunday through Thursday, 18:00 to 24:00. Closed Friday and Saturday.


David Citadel Hotel, King David St. 7


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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