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Events in Jerusalem

Sylvester Special at Agua

at 31.12.2010

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Friday dec 31st

Agua invites you to say goodbye to 2010 and welcome 2011 with a special festive Sylvester menu.

Cocktail starter: Champaign based aperitif cocktail

First courses:

Red tuna sabbiche: 59 NIS
Shrimp on a skewer in sun dried tomato cream sauce: 59 NIS
Steak filet Carpaccio in tomato basil sauce: 49 NIS
Potato leek soup: 35 NIS
Roasted eggplant over techina cream with stir fried steak slices and peppers: 43 NIS

Main courses:

Meat trio in cabernet sauce - for two: steak filet, aged entrecote, lamb chops: 235 NIS
Lucas and Denise duo over gnocchi and lemongrass butter: 165 NIS
Seafood stew: shrimp, calamari, mussel, and blue crab in butter cream sauce and herbs: 135 NIS
Steak filet medallion in mushroom and liver sauce over French mashed potatoes and chives

Strawberry pie with crème patissiere

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 9:00 until last customer; Friday, 8:00 until last customer


HaMaayan St. 1


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