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Events in Jerusalem

Winter Culinary Celebration at La Guta

at 30.12.2010

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Thursday dec 30th

La Guta presents a winter culinary celebration. Bring in 2011 with a gala meal at this elegant Kosher restaurant on December 30, 2010. Chefs Gai Ben Simchon and Shlomi Shnitzar host Jerusalemite chefs for the event. The evening will feature a special menu including an appetizer, first courses, main courses, and dessert. The meal will be accompanied by fine wines from the Tabor winery. Space is limited; advance reservations strongly recommended. For reservations call 054-780-1971.


Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 18:00 to 23:30; Take away is available on Friday from 9:30 to 14:30; Saturday night one hour after Shabbat until midnight.


Beit Lechem Road 34


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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