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Events in Jerusalem

Lavan Goes Green: Nutrition Month at Lavan

at 01.12.2010

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Wednesday dec 1st

The Jerusalem Cinematheque's Lavan bistro goes green this December with a special nutritional menu. The menu offers a wide variety of healthy, tasty items, such as organic vegetable anti pasti, broccoli quiche with a whole wheat crust, steamed salmon filet, and much more.

Green menu:

First courses

Organic anti pasti with ricotta cheese, walnuts and tomato salsa: 36 NIS

Root vegetables whole wheat ravioli with stir fried green vegetables: 44 NIS

Mushroom and tofu wrap: whole wheat tortilla with mushroom and tofu burger, avocado, red onion, tomato and sprouts: 52 NIS

Main courses

Broccoli quiche with whole wheat crust with rocotta and mozzarella, served with green salad: 62 NIS

Stir fried whole red rice with cherry tomatoes, nuts and cranberries, served with a buffalo yogurt dressing: 68 NIS

Steamed salmon fillet with soba noodles in a sweet soy and raw tahini sauce: 94 NIS


Chocolate and pistachio mousse (no sugar added): 32 NIS

Tapioca and coconut cream: 32 NI


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