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Events in Jerusalem

Sylvester Celebration at Adom with Chef Harel Mack

at 31.12.2010

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Friday dec 31st

Adom, the popular Jerusalem bistro which specializes in wines and international cuisine, hosts a Sylvester celebration with Chef Harel Mack. In honor of 2011, the restaurant has created a festive Sylvester menu: a feast of fine tastes including appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Bring in the New Year with an unforgettable meal. Advance reservations strongly recommended.

First round: from 18:30-21:00: 185 NIS
Second round: from 21:00 and on: 220 NIS

Sylvester Menu:


Pea and Bacon Soup

Entree--choice of:

Tuna ceviche with sesame oil and Oranges

Foie Gras on bone marrow with Sweet shallot sauce

Cheese cannelloni with roasted peppers and champagne sauce

Salad: Young spinach leaves, strawberries and croutons with champagne vinaigrette

Main course

Blue crab risotto

Lasagna of Jerusalem artichoke and tomatoes

Goose in red wine and pears, with couscous and raisins


Truffles, strawberries and kisses

Open Hours

Sunday to Friday, 18:30 to 3:00; Saturday 13:00 to 3:00


Jaffa Rd. 31, Feingold Courtyard


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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