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Events in Jerusalem

Beaujolais Feast at Adom

at 17.11.2010

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Wednesday nov 17th

Adom presents a Beaujolais Feast: a four course meal and free flowing wine and beer.

Starter: tomato, mozzarella and capers tartar.

Appetizer: choice of goat cheese ravioli in pepper sauce | seafood and tomato tart | sirloin lamb ceviche in olive oil and mushroom truffle

Main: choice of ox tail stew with root vegetables and black beans | espresso caramel scorched liver on French bread | sword fish filet over black risotto in butter sauce and pickled lemon.

Dessert: baked apple in pastry dough in taffy sauce

*Advance reservations requested

Open Hours

Sunday to Friday, 18:30 to 3:00; Saturday 13:00 to 3:00


Jaffa Rd. 31, Feingold Courtyard


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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