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Events in Jerusalem

Taiku Birthday Celebrations

at 21.07.2010

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Wednesday jul 21st

In honor of its second birthday, Taiku is offering great summer specials on Sunday, Monday, and Saturday nights.

*Every tenth table doesn't pay!
*Each guests receives a chaser on the house
*The lucky table won't know until they receive the bill. At that point, the management will ring a gong or triangle and let the table's guests know they've won.

*From July 21-August 31 | No double discounts | Taiku reserves the right to change or end this promotion at any time | Deal for meals up to 500 NIS | Winner according to guests time of entrance and not according to when bill was requested | For seated customers only.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, Noon to 23:00; Friday, 11:00 to 15:30; Saturday night, 20:00 to 23:00


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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