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Events in Jerusalem

Joy Grill and Beer Menu

at 21.07.2010

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Wednesday jul 21st

Joy Grill and Beer: a new meat experience, offers a wide variety of quality meat carefully chosen and aged on site. Prime rib, lamb chops, entrecote and more. Also available on the menu are hors-devours and first courses that come with bread baked on site. Joy Deli is offering specials from July 21-August 3rd every day starting at 18:00.

First courses:

Chicken wings - 5 pieces: 21 NIS
Sausages: 49 NIS
Lamb kabob: 49 NIS
Sausage mix: 75 NIS
Meat mix: 75 NIS

Main Courses: Served with home fries and green salad

Entrecote 400 grams: 139 NIS
Hanger steak: 120 NIS
Sirloin 300 grams: 95 NIS
Hamburger 300 grams: 85 NIS
Prime rib: 37 NIS per 100 grams
Lamb chops: 40 NIS per 100 grams

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 1:00; Friday 12:00 to 15:00; Saturday motzaei Shabbat to 1:00


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