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Events in Jerusalem

July 22-29, 2010 at HaTza'atzua

at 22.07.2010

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Thursday jul 22nd

Events at HaTza'atzua: July 22-29

Thursday July 22: Flag night: ages 24 and up. Quality Music on the bar level. Dance party and on the dance level with Lior Brosh

Friday July 23: DJ Tomer Hason on the bar level with funk from the Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties and until today. Screenings of live shows on the dance level with DJ Itzik Yedidya.

Saturday Night July 24: Students and friends from around the world. Finish off the weekend with a party on the dance level with DJ Shachar Oud. Great music on the bar level.

Monday July 26: Student night. Contemporary rock on the bar level. Party with DJ Itamar Zino on the dance level. Specials on alcohol until midnight.

Tuesday July 27: Solid bar night with great music

Wednesday July 28: Israeli Bar Wednesday: Elad and Ron with Hebrew music and Israeli rock on the bar level. On the dance level: greatest hits staff plays classics from the Eighties and Nineties with DJ Zohar Sabo. Discounts for students on alcohol and chasers until midnight.

Open Hours

Daily, 21:00 until last customer


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