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Events in Jerusalem

Tu B'av at Joy

at 25.07.2010

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Sunday jul 25th

Heart meets food: come celebrate Tu B'av, the Holiday of Love, at Joy with an enchanted atmosphere full of love.

At the entrance of the restaurant, a host/ess will greet you with a smile and hand out roses to the ladies. The restaurant will be decorated with red balloons, the perfect accent to Jerusalem stone, and rich wooden furniture. Jazz music will play in the background.

Each couple will be treated to a glass of champagne.

Special items on the menu were put together especially for this day, including indulgent passion fruit themed desserts and cocktails with passion fruit.


Advance registration is recommended: please call 1-559-530-0033.



Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 1:00; Friday 12:00 to 15:00; Saturday motzaei Shabbat to 1:00


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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