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Events in Jerusalem

Gourmet Meal with Gil Hovav at Tmol Shilshom

at 12.01.2011

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Wednesday jan 12th

Tmol Shilshom presents a gourmet meal with author Gil Hovav, who will tell stories about growing up in his parents' Jewish-Spanish style house. Veteran Tmol Shilshom chef Mazen Shviki and chef Yaron Winkler will prepare a special menu for the evening, preparing Jewish and Arab favorites, including sea bass baked with techina sauce or sweet and sour sauce, ouzi, an Arab dish of rice, fish, tomatoes, and peas wrapped in philo dough with chef Winkler's special twist, and ice cream for dessert.

Advance reservations are strongly recommended. Order a space in advance by calling the restaurant at 052-280-5555.

The evening's events will begin at 19:00.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 until after midnight; Friday 8:30 to afternoon; Saturday motzaei Shabbat to 2:00


Yoel Salomon St. 5 (through the back alley)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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