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Events in Jerusalem

Chef Roi Entebee Hosts Chef Oded Schwartzberg at Rooftop

at 07.07.2010

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Wednesday jul 7th

One roof; two chefs: Mamilla Hotel's rooftop restaurant's head chef Roi Entebbee hosts Oded Schwartzberg of the Scottish Hotel restaurant. The two chefs have created a unique kosher menu especially for the evening. Enjoy tasty gourmet food creations while taking in the beauty of sunset over the Old City of Jerusalem.

Advance reservations recommended: 02-548-2230


-Focaccia with olive oil, eggplant and zataar, clemente olives, pepper, techina, and garlic: free with every order

-Sabiche: tomato, bamia, spinach, garlic, spinach and herb salad: 44 NIS

-Brusqueta with pickled entrecote, roasted peppers, garlic and peppers: 41 NIS

-Ox's tale ravioli in Jerusalem artichoke sauce with sunny side up quail egg and brown chicken gravy: 51 NIS

-Asian ocean fish with vinaigrette roots and ginger soy and chili sauce: 46 NIS

-Jerusalem salad with fresh herbs, pacos, zucchini, pickled onion, lubia, scallion, roquette, olive oil and dry mint: 38 NIS

-Salmon salad with avocado, pickled quail egg, cherry tomato and mustard vinaigrette: 38 NIS

-Sausages and calf tonsils, mashed potatos, roasted eggplant and calf gravy: 56 NIS

-lentil soup with eggplant and techina sambousak: 36 NIS

-roasted entrecote with mushrooms, shallots, potatoes and brown chicken gravy: 78 NIS

-lamb ribs, string beans, asparagus in sauce: 86 NIS

-Fillet of grilled sea fish over taboon roasted vegetables, with pickled lemons: 68 NIS

-Fish and chips, red potatoes and herb sauce: 64 NIS

-Petit fours: 31 NIS

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 24:00; Friday to Saturday, 11:00 to 23:00 (cold menu items only)


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