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Events in Jerusalem

Purim 2013 Tours with Beit Shmuel

at 24.02.2013

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Sunday feb 24th

Purim celebrations in Jerusalem attract visitors from all corners of the country. In the alleyways of the various ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods one can find joyous costume parades, small children dressed up as Mordechai and Queen Esther, and drunken Yeshiva students wandering the streets. Throughout the holiday, Beit Shmuel invites you to participate in three family tours in the Old City and a "Purim Shpeil" tour for adults, in the Purim atmosphere of the ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods on Purim morning. All tours are in Hebrew.

How Old is the Old City?

Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 10:00

How old is the Old City? The adults on this tour might not even know the right answer. On this tour, find out for yourself! Set off on an investigative tour with the little ones to reveal big secrets in Jerusalem's Old City.

Guide: Yishai Shavit
Price: 60 NIS
For tickets call: 02-620-3461

Story and Lottery Tour: an encounter with Megillat Esther in the alleyways of the Old City

Sunday, February 24 at 13:00, Monday, February 25 at 10:00

Families are invited to familiarize themselves with the story of Megillat Esther on an enchanting tour of the Old City, a story hour, and lots of surprises and laughter. Come join a colorful Purim parade which will take you on a journey through time and the Megillah, in the mysterious alleyways of the Old City. Meet entertaining characters from the Purim story waiting in hidden corners throughout the tour. Come in costume!

Guide: Tamar Shiloh
Price: 65 NIS
For tickets call: 02-620-3461

Purim Shpeil

Monday, February 25, 2013 at 9:00

Jerusalem in costume, Purim gifts (mishloach manot), joyous melodies and Purim atmosphere in the alleyways. Throughout the tour participants will experience the authentic Purim atmosphere and hopefully visit the "Leviathan Feast", a Hassidic Purim tisch. Come in modest costume - women in long skirts. The tour will take place in the ultra-orthodox neighborhoods from Machane Yehuda to Mekor Baruch, Zichron Moshe, Geula, and until Kikar Shabbat. Modest dress required-long sleeves, women in long skirs and men in long pants and kippot.

Guide: Moish Maoz
Price: 95 NIS
For tickets call: 02-620-3461


Eliyahu Shama St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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