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Events in Jerusalem

Hutzpah A Capella Group with Tel Aviv Student Union

at 12.01.2013

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Saturday jan 12th

Beit Shmuel presents the "Hutzpah!" A Capella Group with Tel Aviv Student Union's Wind Instrument Ensemble: a unique collaboration. "Hutzpah" and the ensemble will play and sing a rich repertoire of modern American music by composers including Bernstein, Anderson, Ives, and others. It promises to be a rich musical night full of surprises, exciting and funny, which will have you jumping out of your seat to dance.

The wind instrument ensemble conductor: Uri Reisner

Chutzpah: tenor - Boaz Feinberg, lead - Patrick Clay, baritone - Martin Rogovin, bass - Alon Aviv. Guest soprano: Shani Wertman.

Saturday January 12, 2013 at 21:00 | Tickets: 60 NIS


Eliyahu Shama St. 6


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