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Events in Jerusalem

Flamenco Del Sur at Beit Shmuel (December 5, 2012)

at 05.12.2012

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Wednesday dec 5th

Flamenco Del Sur at Beit Shmuel (December 5, 2012)

December 5, 2012 at 20:30

A pure, wild, and exciting joint Spanish-Israeli production. A journey from Flamenco performances in gypsy caves in Andalusia to the stages of Israel with the participation of musicians, singers, and dancers. The dancers, who hail from southern Spain and have gypsy roots live and breathe Flamenco as a way of life and the show is both spontaneous and professional. Together with Israeli dancers, they create an authentic performance with an emphasis on including the audience as an active part of the dance experience. Choreography and artistic direction: Adar Meron and Shoshi Israeli.

Entrance: 99 NIS


Eliyahu Shama St. 6


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