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Events in Jerusalem

Special Discounts for Children

at 15.08.2012

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Wednesday aug 15th

Beit Shmuel in cooperation with Orna Porat Children's Theatre celebrates 10 years since the launch of its children's performance program, which includes Saturday morning performances, with a special offer. The special discounted membership for the coming season includes five performances for ages 5-10 which will take place once a month in the Hirsch Theater at Beit Shmuel in Jerusalem. This year, two of the performances will take place over the Chanukah and Purim vacations.

Schedule of performances:

Gali: Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 11:00 - a new musical with the songs of Ehud Manor

Perach Shel Agada: Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 17:30 (Chanukah) - an enchanted story full of secrets, suspense, excitement, and love

Leitzan Hachatzer: Saturday, January 19, 2013: an exciting, colorful, and funny show which exposes children to the world of theater.

Aladin: Monday, February 25, 2013 at 17:30 (Purim vacation): an adventurous story in which Aladin discovers his strengths and realizes that to be rich doesn't necessarily equal being happy.

Alilot Hanesich Kacha: Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 11:00: A prince goes on an exciting journey in his kingdom and learns about true friendship and unconditional help and giving.


Eliyahu Shama St. 6


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