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Events in Jerusalem

A Children's Shabbat Morning at Beit Shmuel: Summer

at 11.08.2012

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Saturday aug 11th

Beit Shmuel presents A Children's Shabbat Morning: Summer

Once a month, on Shabbat morning, Beit Shmuel invites parents and children to enjoy a morning of new experiences and creativity.

Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 11:00
Hot, hot summer: This session will include a discussion of the hottest season, the beach, fish, and sunflowers. At the creative workshop, children will create a host of summer projects as well as cool back to school items.

Space is limited, so advance registration is requested.

This is a Hebrew-language only event.
Entrance is free for parents/accompanying adults.
For more information and to register and order tickets call 02-620-3463


Eliyahu Shama St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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