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Events in Jerusalem

Shmemel (Saturday Nights-December 15, 2012)

at 15.12.2012

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Saturday dec 15th

New on Saturday Night-It's Time to Party!

The Saturday night line-up is back in a new and exciting season

The festivities take place every Saturday night in P7, with selected bands that know how to whoop it up-from klezmer ensembles to groove bands that'll get you dancing

Artistic direction: Monocrave

Saturday night, December 15, 10 PM: Shmemel

Hannah Zelda's traditional latke party-a special Hanukkah show
The Shmemels return to the Holy City to get everyone on their feet and help shed their holiday calories in a lively Chassido-Groove Rock concert with comic songs, latkes, and candle-lighting.

Guest: Dudu Zar

Admission: NIS 50; students NIS 30 / *Standing room only

Image of Shmemel by Liron Levo


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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