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Events in Jerusalem

Ochana Brass Band (Saturday Nights-December 8, 2012)

at 08.12.2012

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Saturday dec 8th

New on Saturday Night-It's Time to Party!

The Saturday night line-up is back in a new and exciting season

The festivities take place every Saturday night in P7, with selected bands that know how to whoop it up-from klezmer ensembles to groove bands that'll get you dancing

Artistic direction: Monocrave

Saturday night, December 8, 10 PM: Ochana Brass Band

The Ochana Brass Brand is a project inspired by the street bands of New Orleans. They play along with the audience and among the audience, and you just can't stop dancing with them and around them.
The band include top winds players who perform Groove in Israel

Admission: NIS 50; students NIS 30 / *Standing room only


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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