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Events in Jerusalem

Dance - Spirit (October 30-November 1, 2012)

at 30.10.2012

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Tuesday oct 30th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Dance - Spirit"

Hosted by the "Between Heaven and Earth" Festival

Tuesday-Thursday, October 30-November 1

The "Between Heaven and Earth" Festival presents three evenings of dance, three premieres, an assortment of dance workshops, and a panel of dancers and intellectuals.

"Dance-Spirit" is the product of collaboration, now in its third year, between BEIT AVI CHAI, the Choreographers' Association, and the Kol Atzmotai Tomarna School of Dance, in which choreographers create works inspired by Jewish texts. This year, three new works created as part of the "Dance-Spirit" project by choreographers Maya Levi, Galit Liss, and Elad Shechter will premiere at the festival.

All performances will take place in the Gerard Behar Center, 11 Bezalel Street, Jerusalem. For more details, see the festival website at

Kol Atzmotai Tomarna website:

The festival is produced by with the support of the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jerusalem municipality.


Bezalel St. 11


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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