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Events in Jerusalem

Symbols: Culinary Workshop based on the Customs of the High Holidays

at 04.09.2012

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Tuesday sep 4th

Beit Avi Chai presents Symbols: Culinary Workshop based on the Customs of the High Holidays

Tuesday, Sept 4, 7 PM

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30

Why do we eat apples and honey? What is Tashlich, and what are the customary dishes for the pre-fast meal? When and where did decorating the sukkah begin, and why is there an apple on the Simchat Torah flag?

Chef Yossi Ben Dayan and journalist and author Shaul Meizlish invite you to an educational and culinary experience based on the holidays of Tishrei in the Ashkenazi tradition.

The workshop will last for about two-and-a-half hours.


King George St. 44


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