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Events in Jerusalem

Rejoice with Jerusalem A Tribute to the Chassidic Song Festival (September 2, 2012)

at 02.09.2012

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Sunday sep 2nd

Beit Avi Chai presentsRejoice with Jerusalem: A Tribute to the Chassidic Song Festival.

Sunday, September 2, 8:30 PM

Admission: NIS 70, Students: NIS 30

The tops hits written for the Chassidic Song Festival, which enjoyed resounding success in Israel and abroad during the 1970s and 1980s, performed by top artists:
The Reim Duo, Chanan Yovel, Dani Golan, Miri Aloni, Edna Lev, Shuli Natan, Jimmy Lloyd, Ophira Gluska

On the program: "Sissu et Yerushalayim," "Yedid Nefesh," "Yevarechecha," "Avinu She'Bashamayim," and other songs that are still sung throughout the Jewish world.

Host: Dr. Avshalom Kor
Conductor and musical director: Menashe Lev-Ran
The Shikmim Choir and augmented Festival Orchestra


King George St. 44


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