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Events in Jerusalem

Piyyut Festival 2012: Day Four (September 13, 2012)

at 13.09.2012

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Thursday sep 13th

Beit Avi Chai's Piyyut Festival returns to Jerusalem for the fifth year straight. This year's festival will take place at Beit Avi Chai and other venues around Jerusalem from September 10-13, 2012, and will focus on the piyyut and prayer traditions that developed in the complex shared arena of Jewish-Arab culture, both past and present.

Day Four: September 13, 2012

I Will Move as if Intoxicated: Piyyut Theater in the footsteps of Rabbi Israel Najara, produced by the Interdisciplinary Arena.

An original multidisciplinary theatrical performance that confronts the yearning for exaltation, and the attraction between a man and a woman, who live together but do not meet. Piyyut is an expression of the eternal longing for oneness. The new melodies for the piyyutim by the great poet Rabbi Israel Najara are performed by a women's choir.

Written and directed by: Guy Biran 

Acting: Iyar Wolpe and Dani Steg

Original Music: Yisrael Bright / Choir: Inbal Jamshid, Michal Lotan, Nitzan Bernstein

Video and Set: Hila Spector / Costumes: Lou Moria / Lighting: Shachar Verchson

Assistant director and dramatic production: Inbal Dekel

Our thanks to: Prof. Tova Beeri, Prof. Edwin Seroussi, Sheli Elkayam, Ruthie Bar-Shalev, Yair Harel


King George St. 44


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