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Events in Jerusalem

Book Forum: In cooperation with Kineret-Zmora-Bitan-Dvir publishers (July 17 and August 2, 2012)

at 02.08.2012

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Thursday aug 2nd

Beit Avi Chai presents "Book Forum":

In cooperation with Kineret-Zmora-Bitan-Dvir publishers

Moderator: Shmuel Rozner, head of the nonfiction department at Kineret-Zmora-Bitan-Dvir

1. Is Israel Corrupt?  Tuesday, July 17, 8 PM 
Do we live in a corrupt country? Does the war on corruption bolster the system or interfere with the government's ability to run the country?
A conversation with the authors of three books that deal with the links among the rule of law, government, governance and corruption


Prof. Yossi Shain, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University, author of The Language of Corruption and Israel's Moral Culture.
Attorney Dina Silber, HCJ department, Office of the State Attorney. Her new book, In the Name of Law, deals with the history of the Office of the Attorney General in Israel.

Mordechai Gilat, winner of the Sokolow Prize for journalism, author of The Deri Curse.

2. A Talmudic Feast: Thursday, August 2, 8 PM

We will celebrate the start of the new cycle of Daf Yomi, in which one page of Talmud is studied each day, with talmudic tales and legends. We will study the first page of Tractate Berachot together and try to answer the question of how writers can make these tales and legends relevant to our own day and age.

Prof. Avigdor Shinan, Hebrew University and BEIT AVI CHAI, scholar of midrash and aggadah, author of Pirkei Avot: A New Israeli Commentary
Dr. Shmuel Faust, author of Aggadeta: Stories of the Talmudic Drama, scholar of rabbinic literature and editor of the literary supplement of Makor Rishon
Shoham Samet, author of Our Legends: A Treasure of Hebrew Legends for Children, author and critic for Ha'aretz


This is a Hebrew-language only event.

Admission free, but subject to available space
Tickets available from 7:00PM


King George St. 44


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