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Events in Jerusalem

Blockbuster - Israeli movies about elements of society

at 24.07.2012

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Tuesday jul 24th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Blockbuster": Israeli movies about elements of society.

A series on the fault lines in Israeli society and how various groups deal with the social and cultural realities of the country. Each session will include the screening of a full-length film, followed by a discussion with the filmmaker.

Moderator: Yair Ettinger, Charedi affairs correspondent for Ha'aretz

Tuesday, July 10, 7:30 PM
Session 1: Children of the Bible

Nitza Gonen's documentary looks at Jeremy Kool Habash, an Israeli Ethiopian teenager who wants to revive the traditional religious music that stood at the center of the lives and culture of the Jews in Ethiopia.
Guest: Jeremy Kool Habash, the film's central character

Tuesday, July 17, 7:30 PM
Session 2: Yolki Palki
The story of the personal journey of director Alex Gentelev, as he tries to find his fellow passengers on the plane that brought him from Russia to Israel in the 1990s.
Guest: Pavel Golnko, one of the lead characters in the film

Tuesday, July 24, 7:30 PM
Session 3: Two Ultra Orthodox Women
The film by Ron Ofer and Yochai Hakak peeks into the Charedi world from the unique perspective of two Charedi women who are working a quiet revolution without violating the rules of the Charedi world.
Guests: Ron Ofer, director; Rachel (Bambi) Szydlowski, one of the main characters.

All of the films shown in the series were produced with help from AVI CHAI Israel

This is a Hebrew-language only event

Admission free, but subject to available space
Tickets available from 6:30PM


King George St. 44


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