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Events in Jerusalem

Mishloach Manot - A culinary workshop for Purim

at 04.03.2012

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Sunday mar 4th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Mishloach Manot" - A culinary workshop for Purim.

Sunday March 4, 19:00

There's hamentaschen, the Purim feast, and drinking until you're thoroughly intoxicated. What can you do to enhance the mishlochei manot and add to the joy of all the Purim revelers?

Chef Jose Bendayan and Prof. Avigdor Shinan invite you to a mishloach manot culinary workshop.
The chef presents his creative ideas for special and surprising mishloach manot that will delight young and old alike. Prof. Shinan adds the spiritual (and spirituous) dimension to mishloach manot, focusing on wine: its significance, its virtues, its drawbacks, and its dangers.

The workshop will run for about two and-a-half hours.

Admission: NIS 60, students NIS 40

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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