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Events in Jerusalem

David Kilimnick: Jerusalem

at 16.12.2010

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Thursday dec 16th

Off The Wall Comedy Empire presents:

David Kilimnick: Jerusalem's Comedian

‘Frum From Birth: Religious Manifesto'

Hannukah Special

From the Aliyah Monologues Series

In response to the need for change in the Jewish Community, David Kilmnick (as seen in your seat at shule) will address the issues of your community, being frum (religious) and why the candles in the box came broken. David will also share some of his rabbinic insights, as he recounts his religious childhood to move to the Holy Land. That is correct, the man grew up frum and this is a show with no story.

David has recently appeared on "Beep," Israel 's comedy network, and has been hailed by the Israeli media as a "rising star" who possesses "Seinfeldian charm" when he takes to the stage.


Ben Yehuda 34 (down the stairs from the Mashbir)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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