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Events in Jerusalem

Slichot Tours and the Night Spectacular at the Tower of David in September 2012

at 24.09.2012

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Monday sep 24th

The Tower of David presents a Selichot Tour combined with The Night Spectacular (in Hebrew).

Experience the atmosphere during the slichot period in the alleyways of the Old City. Guided tour starts after The Night Spectacular, the breathtaking sound and light show at the Tower of David Museum, and ends at the Western Wall where communal slichot are recited. The tours do not include synagogue visits.

Night Spectacular: 21:00
Tour: 22:00

Except for September 24: Night Spectacular: 22:30 Tour: 23:30

The tour lasts about 2 hours. Warm clothing and comfortable shoes are recommended.

Registration required.

Night Spectacular and tour: 110 NIS / 100 NIS for seniors and students
Tour only: 70 NIS / 60 NIS for seniors and students

Tower of David Museum Tel: 02 - 6265333

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 17:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 17:00


Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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