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Events in Jerusalem

Summer 2012: Night Tours at the Botanical Gardens

at 07.06.2012

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Thursday jun 7th

Summer 2012: Night Tours at the Botanical Gardens

From June 7, 2012, our popular Night Safaris will recommence, taking place every Thursday evening! Come learn about the plants that are active at night, inviting moths and other insects to come taste their nectar...Look for bats, lizards, spiders and other creatures of the night. With luck, you might even see a porcupine!

Registration is by 19.00. Tours depart at 19.30.

Ticket prices:

Regular price NIS 35

Subscription holders NIS 25

Family ticket (up to 4 people) NIS 120

Night safaris can be organized for groups on other nights by prior arrangement with the sales team, on 073-2438914


Yehuda Burla Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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