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Events in Jerusalem

SPNI English Walking Tours January 2010

at 07.01.2010

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Thursday jan 7th

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) presents: Tours for English Speakers in Jerusalem.

Beginning in January, SPNI will host a series of tours for English speakers who want to get to know the sites, stories and people of Jerusalem.

Tour #1: Thursday, January 7th, 2010.
Subject: "Great Ladies." Explore sites in downtown Jerusalem where some of Jerusalem's most famous women lived and worked. Tour will be followed by refreshments and a short talk by SPNI staff.
Meeting Time: 15:00 at Sergei Courtyard (13 Heleni HaMalka St.)
Price: Free. To register, contact Andrea Nadel at or 052 865 1425.

Tour #2: Monday, January 11th, 2010.
Subject: Montefiore's Windmill and the Yemin Moshe neighborhood
Meeting Time: 15:00 at Sergei Courtyard (13 Heleni HaMalka St.).
Price: 30 NIS per person. To register, please call the Green Cultural Center at 02-625-2357.

Both tours will be lead in English by an experienced SPNI guide with a rich knowledge of Jerusalem's sites and history.

For more information, contact Andrea Nadel at


SPNI Jerusalem Headquarters Sergei Courtyard 13 Heleni HaMalka St.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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