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Events in Jerusalem

June 2013 Headphone Party at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha)

at 06.06.2013

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Thursday jun 6th

The Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) will host a huge headphone party on Thursday, June 6 at 20:00.

Headphone rental is 20 NIS, and a deposit (identity card, driver's license, or valid passport) is required. The first 100 guests to rent headphones will receive a FREE TNT t-shirt!

Adi Dor of MTV will DJ, in addition to a breakout headphone show by Axum.

Other highlights:
*huge screen with videos
*free gift for each guest and lots of other cool surprises

The party will take place in the plaza outside the Mashbir on the middle floor of the mall. Entrance for ages 16+.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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