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Events in Jerusalem

Feburary 2013: The Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) On Ice

at 10.02.2013

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Sunday feb 10th

Get your skates on! The plaza outside of the Mashbir at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) will be transformed into an ice skating rink from February 10-23, 2013, providing a magical winter experience for the whole family.

Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 12:00-22:00, Friday: 10:00-14:30, Saturday night: 19:00-23:00.

Ticket price: 20 NIS

Fineprint: *The "ice" surface is synthetic *Entrance for ages 6 and up *Each skater will be allowed on the ice for 30 minutes *Entrance for those wearing ice skates and high socks only *Ice skates available for rental in sizes 32-46 *Skaters must follow posted rules and regulations

Open Hours

Sunday-Thursday: 9:30-22:00, Friday: 9:00-15:00, Saturday night: from one hour after Shabbat ends until 23:00.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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