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Events in Jerusalem

January 2013: Baby Mornings at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha)

at 02.01.2013

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Wednesday jan 2nd

The Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) presents "Baby Mornings": every Wednesday, the mall will host a morning of experiential activities for parents and babies (ages birth through three years.) The activities will take place at 11:00, are free of charge, and will take place in the mall concourse on the middle floor. 

Activities include:

From birth - turning over: rocking, tummy time, quality touch, stimulation and focusing on sounds.

From turning over - crawling: Judo rolling, tiger and cub, rocking, moonwalking, sound and feelings.

Baby massage and baby yoga.

Dealing with gas and indigestion, tummy time, baby sculpting, moving, concentrating on sounds.

Talking to infants and baby music

Open Hours

Malcha Mall opening hours: Sunday-Thursday 9:30-22:00, Friday 9:00-15:00, Saturday from an hour after Shabbat ends - 23:00.


Malcha Mall


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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