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Events in Jerusalem

Pajama Party at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha)

at 18.11.2012

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Sunday nov 18th

The Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) kicks off the winter with a wild pajama party! Come join the family celebration and get prepared for a warm and cozy winter.

Sunday - Wednesday, November 18-21, 2012


*Winter items on sale: slippers, gloves, umbrellas, blankets, ear warmers, socks, pajamas, and more

*Designer winter items

*Pajama party for kids - every day of the festival from 16:00-19:00: make your own pajama shirt; make your own Smurf hat; games, contests, and prizes, pillow fight, and more; Gargamel's laboratory: prepare a sleep potion for sweet dreams; watch the Smurfs movie, popcorn included. Free gift for every kid that arrives in pajamas.

*Special offer: pajamas for kids for only 10 NIS when you spend 399 NIS or more in one day (restrictions apply) courtesy of H&O.


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