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Events in Jerusalem

Pesach 2012 at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha): Gift Fair and Giveaway

at 28.03.2012

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Wednesday mar 28th

In advance of Pesach, the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) will hold a colorful gift fair, from March 28-April 6, featuring houseware, decorative items, textiles and feng shui products, which will enhance the festive atmosphere in any home.

In addition, the mall is offering a free giveaway which will help you stay organized over Pesach. Customers who spend 699 NIS in one day (for Multi Azrieli members - 599 NIS) will receive a fancy Pereg brand spice set, including four varieties of spices and olive oil, all kosher for Passover. The gift will be distributed to those who qualify from March 28 and while supplies last. The giveaway booth will be located on the ground floor of the mall and will be active on Monday-Thursday from 11:00-20:00 and Friday from 10:00-14:00 (it will not be open on Satruday night). 


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