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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Theatre: Week of July 22-July 28, 2011

at 22.07.2011

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Friday jul 22nd

Week of July 22-28 at the Jerusalem Theatre

More information can be found at the theatre's website


Friday, July 22

Israel Philharmonic Orchestra performs "Intermezzo in the Morning"

Conductor: Zubin Mehta
Soloist: Javier Frians - Piano
With Ido Tadmor and friends

Sherover Theatre, 11:00

Saturday, July 23

Show "Play It, Sam"

Beersheva Theatre
A witty comedy from Woody Allen, translation and adaptation by Eli Bizawi
Director: Ilan Eldad
With: Guri Alfi, Efrat Boimwold, Guy Lowell, Meirav Shirom

Sherover Theatre, 21:15

Kobi Maimon
Stand-up comedy show: Maimon addresses the small situations of daily life with humor and hilarious improvisations, accompanied by gestures and funny faces

Rebecca Crown Theatre, 21:30)

Sunday, July 24
"Journey Between the Wings" (for children)

The audience is invited to a moving show throughout the theater as you travel between the stage, hallways, backstage, and more. The actors accompany the children as they journey to embody various characters that form the act of theater: the director, costume designers, lighting crew, and actors. 

(Foyer entrance, 17:00)

"Play it Sam" (see July 23)
(Sherover Theatre, 20:30)

Tuesday, July 26
"Prince Rooster" (for children)

Ensemble Theatre "Na Laga'at (Please Touch)"
Deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired
Created, written and directed by Adina Tal and Danny Ehrlich

Preparations are underway for a royal wedding. Suddenly, the prince begins to act like a rooster as panic takes over. The royal family embarks on a search for a solution and figures out how to deal with this "problem."

Sign Language Workshop
The staff of the "Na Laga'at (Please Touch)" center teaches basic Israeli sign language in a creative and entertaining way. This communication workshop opens a window into the world of the deaf.

(Rebecca Crown, 17:00)

Thursday, July 28
"The Wizard of Oz" (for children)

The classic story of Dorothy Gale's journey to find her way home as she meets the scarecrow, tin man, and cowardly lion. And of course, the wizard.

(Sherover Theatre, 17:30)


Marcus St. 20


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