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Events in Jerusalem

The Metropolitan Opera Live in HD at the Cinematheque: 2012-2013 Season (January-April 2013)

at 27.04.2013

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Saturday apr 27th

The Met: Live in HD continues for its seventh season, featuring 11 live transmissions. The Jerusalem Cinematheque brings you all of the performances broadcast live.

Click here for the full 2012-2013 Metropolitan Opera season schedule.

Visit the Cinematheque's website for more information about showtimes and tickets.

The Met: Live in HD 2012-2013 broadcast schedule at the Jerusalem Cinematheque:

L'Elisir d'Amore (Donizetti)
October 13, 2012

Otello (Verdi)
October 27, 2012

The Tempest (Ad


Hebron Rd. 11


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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