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Events in Jerusalem

Bashevis Singer

at 30.08.2011

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Tuesday aug 30th

A musical based on the works of Isaac Bashevis Singer in conjunction with Beit Shalom Aleichem

Yentl, The Magician from Lublin, The Slave, Enemies: a Love Story, and Shosha are all works that Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote in what is considered to be a dead language-Yiddish. Despite this, they captured the world's imagination, won him the Nobel Prize for Literature, were translated into many languages, and were even adapted into movies and plays. In this show we will get a taste of selections of his plays and novels, to hear about his life story, and to see how much his magic still works today.

Host: Meir Uziel, With: singers and actors


Showtime:  20:30

Admission: NIS 50, students: NIS 20
In conjunction with: Bimat Mofa'ei Hasifrut


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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