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Events in Jerusalem

Tango Seduccion at the Jerusalem Theatre

at 18.07.2011

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Monday jul 18th

After its great success at the Olympia in Paris, in Moscow, and in Vienna, "Tango Seducción" comes to the Jerusalem Theatre on July 18.  The famous production by world-renowned Argentinean choreographer and dancer, Gustavo Russo (called "The Baryshnikov of Tango") features fourteen of the best dancers of Buenos Aires and a musical ensemble of five musicians and a singer who tell the story of tango over the generations.


"A brilliant show, full of life and passion, virtuoso and sensual... dramatic and elegant" Le Monde


"A sensation... run and see it!" Le Figaro


Purchase tickets here; show begins at 21:00



Marcus St. 20


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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