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Events in Jerusalem

Yearning Hosts Peretz Eliyahu

at 22.02.2011

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Tuesday feb 22nd

Theatre Company Jerusalem and Yearning host Peretz Eliyahu for a one time only show: a unique combination between Ruth Wieder Magen's voice and Jewish music and Ethnic Music. Peretz Eliyahu, composer and scholar of Eastern classical music joins Ruth Wieder Magen, Mark Eliyahu, and Daniel Ya'akovson for two performances of Yearning.


About Yearning:



Theatre Company Jerusalem presents Yearning, a breathtaking ethnic music-art performance, which combines the spiritual power of ancient Jewish prayers with the sublime melodies and rhythms of Oriental Art Music. The show relates the story of man's endless longing amidst the pulse of creation, destruction, light and shadow that we call reality.

This synthesis of prayer-song, music, dance and visual images is performed by:

Ruth Wieder Magan (Vocals), Mark Eliyahu (Kamnce and Saz) and Daniel Yakobson (Clarinet, Cadum & Motion)



Khan Theatre Remez St. 2


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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