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Events in Jerusalem

The Dance Caller

at 19.12.2010

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Sunday dec 19th

Beit Avi Chai presents "The Dance Caller": A one-man play.

• Thursday, December 16, 8:30 PM
• Sunday, December 19, 8:30 PM

Eitan Harari, a dance caller trying to make a name for himself, fills in for someone at the last minute, takes the opportunity to create an innovative folk dance with audience participation, and wins national recognition for his work. Throughout the dance, Eitan returns to his sources of inspiration, but his horrible memories overpower him and cast a shadow on the merriment of the dance.

The play will be followed by a discussion with Dr. Gadi Lubin, former head of the IDF mental health system, on psychological and ethical dilemmas that face soldiers in the army.

Writer, director, and actor: Yoav Bartel

Director and choreographer: Abigail Rubin

An original production of the Totzeret Bait ensemble

"A surprising monodrama ... excellent acting" (Tzvi Goren, Habamah)

"Bartel's acting is clean and believable, building up gradually to a painful climax at the revelation of the real secret hiding behind the cheerful façade" (Shai Bar-Yaakov, Yedioth Ahronoth)

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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