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Events in Jerusalem

Hokey Pokey

at 15.07.2010

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Thursday jul 15th

Search Engine presents "Hokey Pokey": A mental catastrophe with no faith

A failing playwright who dreams of being Chanoch Levine's successor, a forgotten actress who will do anything to get back to the top, a psychologist having a secret affair with Hitler, a clown who's identity has been stolen, a cripple woman dreaming of long legs and an Arab woman who hopes to be more than just another Arab.
The varieties of stories connect as one on stage and raise piercing questions regarding the Israeli theater and Israeli society.

Written and Directed by Eyal Veizer | Artistic Management and Dramaturgy- Itsik Juli | Light Design- Erez Shwartsbaum

Actors: Daria Avraham, Avital Adar, Yonatan Bar On, Naomi Goldstein, Anat Gat, Yifat Israel and Gilad Freidman.


Hebron St. 28


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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