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Events in Jerusalem

Tainted Love

at 08.08.2010

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Sunday aug 8th

Theatre Company Jerusalem presents "Tainted Love": a play that delves into the privacy of man-woman relationships. Fascinating love stories from the Jewish bookshelf in a new and different light. On broken love, strong headed women who choose to live outside of the consensus, and the "ideal man." On wisdom, loyalty, abandonment and desire. The play will debut in August, in the period of the Jewish holiday of love.

Conception and direction: Gabriella Lev | Dramatology: Yoav Michaeli | Composer and musical director: Avishai Fish | Set and design: Serg Vaknin | Set building: Lishi Levron | With: Gavriel Goler, Rut Wieder Magen, Amir Yerushalmi, Tzahala Michaeli, Asaf Niv, Ayelet Stoller, Dana Kochrovski, Rafi Kalmar.


Marcus St. 20


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