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Events in Jerusalem

Romeo and Juliet: That Bitch Can Be A Part Of Me

at 08.06.2010

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Tuesday jun 8th

Hama'abada and Oren Dolphin are proud to present:

Romeo and Juliet


By: Noran David-Kellis
Directed by: Michael Ronen
Translation and Adaptation: Eitan Bloom
Original Music: Assaf Sagiv & Skazi (Asher Swissa)
Musical Management: Assaf Sagiv
Lighting: Shachar Varchzon
Costumes and Décor: Kineret Topaz
Artistic management and Production: Oren Dolphin

With: Michael Moshonov, Li'el Danir, Roei Assaf, Roy Miller, Hila Sa'ada, Yosef Swid, Ori Hochman, Chen Veda/ Sarel Feterman, Tal Klay, Rona Promzenko, Roman Gershkovitz, Achinoam Fisher.

An adaptation of Shakespearean classic, "Romeo and Juliet", written by Noran David Kaellis, son of the Jewish Turkish and Armenian immigrants, currently living in Germany. This version relives Shakespeare's rhymes while weaving elements from the gangsta hip-hop rap-the sideline culture of the underdogs. Romeo and Juliet is the first tragedy written by Shakespeare and has seen many adaptations, all of which turn the couple into a western icon, symbolizing true love's power to rise over societies' strict rules of coduct.

Video: Amit Einey
Choreography: Achinoam Fisher
Aerial Choreography: Sandra Amselam
Production Management: Ravid Savil
Assistant Director: Rona Promzenko & Elior Amselam

This production is also part of the Israel Festival.

Open Hours

June 8 and 9: 20:30 | June 10: 19:30 and 22:30


Hebron St. 28


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