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Events in Jerusalem

Stage One Amateur English Theatre Festival: 13: The Musical

at 31.03.2010

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Wednesday mar 31st

Jerusalem is home to many English-language theater groups, run by volunteers whose immigrant pasts allow for a unique commentary on local issues and identity. During Passover 2010, Beit Avi Chai will spotlight this thriving subculture through three days that showcase the finest English-language drama Jerusalem has to offer.

13: The Musical

• Wednesday, March 31st, 18:00 and 19:30

Evan Goldman is a New York boy who finds himself in Appleton, Indiana, after his parents' unexpected divorce, preparing for his Bar Mitzvah while struggling to fit in as the only Jew in high school.
Written by Jason Robert brown
Directed by Liel Zahavi-Asa
Musically Directed by Jeff Rosenschein
Music by "Remedy"
Center Stage Theater

Admission: NIS 40; students: NIS 20


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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